website is a powerful tool that a business can use to put its message across and connect with its clients. When done right, a website’s purpose should go beyond just promoting a business’s products and services. It should do more. It should generate leads, engage clients and sell a company’s products and services. A well-designed website is such a powerful tool that it should bring a steady supply of leads and customers to a business. Check out this article to learn how to get your website on first page of Google.

It goes without saying that thousands of prospective customers daily search for products and services online. Paying attention to the right web-design benchmarks and ensuring that they are met during the web design process, will enable a business to benefit immensely from its digital presence.

In order to optimise its digital presence and use it to drive revenue growth, a business should know the common web design mistakes that most businesses make.  What are these common web design mistakes that businesses make? As Sakiso Digital, we come across these common mistakes as we review clients’ digital strategies and websites. Not addressing them can cost a company’s digital success and negatively affect customers’ experience.

1. Not paying attention to metrics 

Who are your website’s visitors and how many are they? Which websites are referring them to your own website? Is it Facebook? Search engine? Which devices do they use? More than 95% of businesses with websites don’t have a grasp of these numbers. This means that they are leaving their digital success to chance. Understanding different web metrics can help a business to optimize its digital presence and run successful digital marketing campaigns. Because of the importance of these metrics in helping businesses get results from their digital marketing efforts, every website should be designed with the utilization of these numbers in mind.

2. Not adding engaging content

Regardless of the type of products or services being sold through the website, there should be room for engaging and relevant content. There are several advantages a business gets from having relevant and engaging content on its website. First, good content is good for search engine optimisation. It contributes significantly towards being found on the first page of search results. Therefore, a savvy business has a content strategy that positions it as a leading authority in its industry. Second, good content helps prospective and existing customers get the information they are looking for. Great businesses have their customers’ concerns at heart. If a business is providing information its customers are searching for, then it has met the first and most crucial step in asserting its place in search engine results.  

3. Crowded homepage 

A homepage is the most important section of a website. It is the first thing a visitor sees when they visit a website. Whether the visitor spends more time on the website or move on to the competitor’s website is determined by what they see on the homepage. Hence, it’s important to optimise it and ensure that it give visitors access to the information they are looking for. The common mistakes most websites make is overcrowding the homepage with all sorts of texts and information about the brand. Some go on to add three to five image sliders. Visitors rarely have the patience to go through all the sliders. A well-designed homepage on a website should address the following:

  1. What does the business offer?
  2. How will it make the customer’s life better?
  3. What does customer need to do to buy it?

4. Overemphasising visual appeal

It is a good thing to have a great-looking website. However, it’s no use to have visual appeal come at the expense of putting across a simple, clear and engaging message. Often, simplicity wins. We often come across aesthetically pleasing websites that make it difficult for visitors to know what the business is all about. Often clients get confused by too many things and when they get confused they go to the next website without making any inquiry or whatever the goal of the website is.

5. Not updating the website

When last was your website updated? Most businesses get their websites designed and never pay attention to them until when the hosting and domain renewal fees are due. To see results, content on a website should be regularly updated. The website should engage visitors and offer them new content whenever they visit. Having the same old content that old visitors know, is never engaging. To avoid this mistake, businesses should have a content marketing strategy in place ensuring that the website along with social media platforms is well-fed with a steady supply of witty, engaging and relevant content that helps the business to convert visitors into leads

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